Applicable: The following instruction is applicable only to customers who are having Discoverer4i and looks for 10g migration.
Summary: Existing End User Layer EUL4_US will be backed up using Operating System Export Command and Imported back to the same database as EUL5_US Schema.This will help in preserving the Old End User Layer and create a new Schema for the 10g Discoverer.
Pre-Upgrade Step:
1. Backup the Existing End User Layer.
exp eul4_us/xxxxxx file=pre_10g_upgrade_eul4_backup.dmp
Move the file to $AU_TOP/discoverer
2. Create a new tablespace as DISCOVERE10G
3. Create a new user EUL5_US with the default tablespace as DISCOVERER10G
4. Grant connect , resource to eul5_us; & Grant select any table to eul5_us
5. Import the dump as EUL5_US.
imp eul5_us/eul5_us file=pre_10g_upgrade_eul4_backup.dmp fromuser=eul4_us touser=eul5_us
6. Lock the EUL4_US User.
Upgrade Steps:
1. Log in as Operating System Discoverer User on the Unix Box.
2. Make sure that the tnsping for the EBSO Instance works.
3. Run the command EULAPI to upgrade the End User Layer from EUL4 to EUL5.
$ORACLE_HOME/bin/eulapi -CONNECT <EUL User>/<Password>@<db> -AUTO_UPGRADE
Testing the Upgrade:
Connect to 10g EM of Discoverer Instance and Create a Public Connection
Connection Name : EUL_UPGRADE
Connect To : Oracle Applications
Connection Type Public
Database EBSO
End User Layer EUL5_US
Locale English (United States)
Responsibility System Administrator
Access the below url and confirm if you are able to see the EBSO Workbooks.