Saturday, December 7, 2013

Cutover Phase Scenario - R12.2 Online Patching Cycle


You have been asked to apply a patch and you completed the prepare phase and apply phase. Now customer has given a downtime for the cutover. You have run the finalize phase and the instance is ready for cutover.

  • How do we do it?
  • Pre-Health Check
  • Blackout
  • Cutover
  •  Unset Blackout
  • Post-Health Check
$ adop -status

Enter the APPS username: apps
Enter the APPS password:

Current Patching Session ID: 9

Node Name     Node Type     Phase      Status        Started                   Finished                  Elapsed
--------------- --------------- ----------- --------------- ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------
testserver01  master        APPLY      ACTIVE        17-NOV-13 02:49:24 -06:00        17-NOV-13 02:52:46 -06:00    0:03:22
                           PREPARE     COMPLETED          17-NOV-13 12:46:19 -06:00        17-NOV-13 01:00:28 -06:00        0:14:09
                           CUTOVER     NOT STARTED
                           CLEANUP     NOT STARTED

File System Synchronization Used in this Patching Cycle: None

For more information, run ADOP Status Report by using -detail option
Generating ADOP Status Report at location: /inst122i/applmgr/fs_ne/EBSapps/log/status_20131117_031159/adzdshowstatus.out
Please wait...

adop exiting with status = 0 (Success)

$ adop phase=cutover

Enter the APPS password:
Enter the SYSTEM password:
Enter the WLSADMIN password:

 Please wait. Validating credentials...

RUN file system context file: /inst122i/applmgr/fs2/inst/apps/INST122I_testserver01/appl/admin/INST122I_testserver01.xml
PATCH file system context file: /inst122i/applmgr/fs1/inst/apps/INST122I_testserver01/appl/admin/INST122I_testserver01.xml

************* Start of  session *************
 version: 12.2.0
 started at: Sun Nov 17 2013 03:12:38

APPL_TOP is set to /inst122i/applmgr/fs2/EBSapps/appl
  Using ADOP Session ID from currently incomplete patching cycle
[START 2013/11/17 03:13:12] run
  ADOP Session ID: 9
  Phase: cutover
  Log file: /inst122i/applmgr/fs_ne/EBSapps/log/adop/9/adop_20131117_031215.log
  [EVENT]     Executing pre-cutover call-out script.
  [START 2013/11/17 03:13:33] cutover phase
    [EVENT]     [START 2013/11/17 03:13:43] Performing Cutover Phase steps
      [EVENT]     [START 2013/11/17 03:13:59] ICM Shutdown

You are running version 120.19.12020000.3

Shutting down concurrent managers for INST122I ...
ORACLE Password:
Submitted request 476567 for CONCURRENT FND SHUTDOWN exiting with status 0 check the logfile /inst122i/applmgr/fs2/inst/apps/INST122I_testserver01/logs/appl/admin/log/adcmctl.txt for more information ... 

      [EVENT]     [END   2013/11/17 03:14:04] ICM Shutdown
      [EVENT]     [START 2013/11/17 03:14:10] Waiting for ICM to go down
      [EVENT]     [END   2013/11/17 03:17:45] Waiting for ICM to go down
      [EVENT]     [START 2013/11/17 03:17:50] Bringing down Middle Tier Services
        [EVENT]     Calling: /inst122i/applmgr/fs2/EBSapps/appl/ad/12.0.0/patch/115/bin/

Program :  started @ Sun Nov 17 03:17:53 2013

*** Log File = /inst122i/applmgr/fs_ne/EBSapps/log/adop/9/cutover_20131117_031215/INST122I_testserver01/TXK_CTRL_forceshutdown_Sun_Nov_17_03_17_53_2013/txkADOPCutOverPhaseCtrlScript_Sun_Nov_17_03_17_53_2013.log

Program :  completed @ Sun Nov 17 03:19:28 2013

      [EVENT]     [END   2013/11/17 03:19:28] Bringing down Middle Tier Services
        Calling: adpatch options=hotpatch,nocompiledb interactive=no console=no workers=4 restart=no abandon=yes defaultsfile=/inst122i/applmgr/fs1/EBSapps/appl/admin/INST122I_patch/adalldefaults.txt patchtop=/inst122i/applmgr/fs1/EBSapps/appl/ad/12.0.0/patch/115/driver logfile=cutover.log driver=ucutover.drv
        ADPATCH Log directory: /inst122i/applmgr/fs_ne/EBSapps/log/adop/9/cutover_20131117_031215/INST122I_testserver01/log
      [EVENT]     [START 2013/11/17 03:21:16] Atomic File System Cutover

Program :  started @ Sun Nov 17 03:21:17 2013

*** Log File = /inst122i/applmgr/fs_ne/EBSapps/log/adop/9/cutover_20131117_031215/INST122I_testserver01/TXK_CTRL_ctxupdate_Sun_Nov_17_03_21_17_2013/txkADOPCutOverPhaseCtrlScript_Sun_Nov_17_03_21_17_2013.log

Program :  completed @ Sun Nov 17 03:22:53 2013

      [EVENT]     [END   2013/11/17 03:22:53] Atomic File System Cutover
      [EVENT]     [START 2013/11/17 03:23:00] Starting Middle Tier Services

Program :  started @ Sun Nov 17 03:23:00 2013

*** Log File = /inst122i/applmgr/fs_ne/EBSapps/log/adop/9/cutover_20131117_031215/INST122I_testserver01/TXK_CTRL_forcestartup_Sun_Nov_17_03_23_00_2013/txkADOPCutOverPhaseCtrlScript_Sun_Nov_17_03_23_00_2013.log

Program :  completed @ Sun Nov 17 03:32:21 2013

      [EVENT]     [END   2013/11/17 03:32:21] Starting Middle Tier Services
    [EVENT]     [END   2013/11/17 03:32:30] Performing Cutover Phase steps
  [END   2013/11/17 03:32:37] cutover phase
  [START 2013/11/17 03:32:38] Generating Post Cutover Reports
  [END   2013/11/17 03:32:39] Generating Post Cutover Reports
  [START 2013/11/17 03:32:43] Generating AD_ZD_LOGS Report
      [EVENT]     Report: /inst122i/applmgr/fs1/EBSapps/appl/ad/12.0.0/sql/ADZDSHOWLOG.sql

      [EVENT]     Output: /inst122i/applmgr/fs_ne/EBSapps/log/adop/9/cutover_20131117_031215/INST122I_testserver01/adzdshowlog.out

  [END   2013/11/17 03:32:48] Generating AD_ZD_LOGS Report
  [EVENT]     Executing post-cutover call-out script.
[END   2013/11/17 03:32:50] run
adop phase=cutover - Completed Successfully

Log file: /inst122i/applmgr/fs_ne/EBSapps/log/adop/9/adop_20131117_031215.log

adop exiting with status = 0 (Success)
you have mail in /var/spool/mail/apinst122i

Internal Logs for ICM Shutdown

      [EVENT]     [START 2013/11/17 03:13:59] ICM Shutdown
        [STATEMENT] Log file: UNDEF
      [EVENT]     [END   2013/11/17 03:14:04] ICM Shutdown
      [PROCEDURE] [START 2013/11/17 03:14:05] Cancelling ADZDPATCH concurrent program
        [STATEMENT] Concurrent Request Number: 476555
      [PROCEDURE] [END   2013/11/17 03:14:10] Cancelling ADZDPATCH concurrent program
      [EVENT]     [START 2013/11/17 03:14:10] Waiting for ICM to go down
        [STATEMENT] [START 2013/11/17 03:14:11] Check if ICM is running
          [PROCEDURE] [START 2013/11/17 03:14:14] ICM Status
          [PROCEDURE] [END   2013/11/17 03:14:16] ICM Status
          [STATEMENT]  ICM is active
        [STATEMENT] [END   2013/11/17 03:14:17] Check if ICM is running
        [PROCEDURE] ICM is still not down . Will wait for another minute.

        [STATEMENT] [START 2013/11/17 03:15:21] Check if ICM is running
          [PROCEDURE] [START 2013/11/17 03:15:24] ICM Status
          [PROCEDURE] [END   2013/11/17 03:15:25] ICM Status
          [STATEMENT]  ICM is active
        [STATEMENT] [END   2013/11/17 03:15:27] Check if ICM is running
        [PROCEDURE] ICM is still not down . Will wait for another minute.

        [STATEMENT] [START 2013/11/17 03:16:31] Check if ICM is running
          [PROCEDURE] [START 2013/11/17 03:16:34] ICM Status
          [PROCEDURE] [END   2013/11/17 03:16:36] ICM Status
          [STATEMENT]  ICM is active
        [STATEMENT] [END   2013/11/17 03:16:37] Check if ICM is running
        [PROCEDURE] ICM is still not down . Will wait for another minute.

        [STATEMENT] [START 2013/11/17 03:17:41] Check if ICM is running
          [STATEMENT]  ICM is not active
        [STATEMENT] [END   2013/11/17 03:17:44] Check if ICM is running
      [EVENT]     [END   2013/11/17 03:17:45] Waiting for ICM to go down

Internal Logs for Shutdown Middle Tier Services

[EVENT]     [START 2013/11/17 03:17:50] Bringing down Middle Tier Services
        [EVENT]     Calling: /inst122i/applmgr/fs2/EBSapps/appl/ad/12.0.0/patch/115/bin/
        [STATEMENT] Output directory: /inst122i/applmgr/fs_ne/EBSapps/log/adop/9/cutover_20131117_031215/INST122I_testserver01
      [EVENT]     [END   2013/11/17 03:19:28] Bringing down Middle Tier Services

Values used
Context File        : /inst122i/applmgr/fs2/inst/apps/INST122I_testserver01/appl/admin/INST122I_testserver01.xml
PATCH Context File  : /inst122i/applmgr/fs1/inst/apps/INST122I_testserver01/appl/admin/INST122I_testserver01.xml
OUT Directory       : /inst122i/applmgr/fs_ne/EBSapps/log/adop/9/cutover_20131117_031215/INST122I_testserver01
Action              : forceshutdown
Console Logging     : off
Multi-node instance : NO

Executing SYSTEM command: /inst122i/applmgr/fs2/inst/apps/INST122I_testserver01/admin/scripts/ -nopromptmsg -abortCM -console=off
Copying the file
SOURCE : /inst122i/applmgr/fs2/inst/apps/INST122I_testserver01/logs/appl/admin/log/adstpall.log
TARGET : /inst122i/applmgr/fs_ne/EBSapps/log/adop/9/cutover_20131117_031215/INST122I_testserver01/TXK_CTRL_forceshutdown_Sun_Nov_17_03_17_53_2013/adstpall.log

/inst122i/applmgr/fs2/inst/apps/INST122I_testserver01/admin/scripts/ went through successfully.

Internal Logs for Database Cutover

      [STATEMENT] Sourcing the Patch Edition environment: /inst122i/applmgr/fs1/EBSapps/appl/APPSINST122I_testserver01.env
      [PROCEDURE] [START 2013/11/17 03:19:35] Performing Automatic DB cutover
        [PROCEDURE] [Start 2013/11/17 03:19:36] ADOP::DefaultsFileUtil::substituteDefaultsFileTokensForPatchApplTop
          [PROCEDURE] Reading defaults file /inst122i/applmgr/fs1/EBSapps/appl/admin/INST122I_patch/adalldefaults.txt
          [PROCEDURE] Substituting tokens ...
          [PROCEDURE] Regenerating defaults file ...
        [PROCEDURE] [End   2013/11/17 03:19:37] ADOP::DefaultsFileUtil::substituteDefaultsFileTokensForPatchApplTop
        [STATEMENT] Log file: adop_20131117_031215.log
        Calling: adpatch options=hotpatch,nocompiledb interactive=no console=no workers=4 restart=no abandon=yes defaultsfile=/inst122i/applmgr/fs1/EBSapps/appl/admin/INST122I_patch/adalldefaults.txt patchtop=/inst122i/applmgr/fs1/EBSapps/appl/ad/12.0.0/patch/115/driver logfile=cutover.log driver=ucutover.drv
        ADPATCH Log directory: /inst122i/applmgr/fs_ne/EBSapps/log/adop/9/cutover_20131117_031215/INST122I_testserver01/log
        [PROCEDURE] Running: adpatch options=hotpatch,nocompiledb interactive=no console=no workers=4 restart=no abandon=yes defaultsfile=/inst122i/applmgr/fs1/EBSapps/appl/admin/INST122I_patch/adalldefaults.txt patchtop=/inst122i/applmgr/fs1/EBSapps/appl/ad/12.0.0/patch/115/driver logfile=cutover.log driver=ucutover.drv stdin=yes
      [PROCEDURE] [END   2013/11/17 03:20:52] Performing Automatic DB cutover

Additional Tasks

[PROCEDURE] [START 2013/11/17 03:20:53] Loading Jar files to DB
        [STATEMENT] No jars found to load
[PROCEDURE] [END   2013/11/17 03:20:54] Loading Jar files to DB

Internal Logs for Setting Patch Edition as Default Edition

[PROCEDURE] [START 2013/11/17 03:20:55] Setting Patch Edition as Default Edition
        [STATEMENT] sql stmt : <
                          result varchar2(10);
                        exception when others then
                          update ad_adop_sessions set status='F'
                          where adop_session_id=9;
                    raise_application_error(-20001,'Error while calling ad_zd_adop.cutover.' || sqlerrm);
        [STATEMENT] Sourcing the Run Edition environment: /inst122i/applmgr/fs2/EBSapps/appl/APPSINST122I_testserver01.env
      [PROCEDURE] [END   2013/11/17 03:21:00] Setting Patch Edition as Default Edition

Internal Logs for Flipping Snapshots

[PROCEDURE] [START 2013/11/17 03:21:07] Flipping Snapshots
        [STATEMENT] sql stmt : <
                        result varchar2(10);
                     exception when others then
                        update ad_adop_sessions set status='F'
                        where adop_session_id=9;
               raise_application_error(-20001,'Error while calling ad_zd_adop.flip_snapshots.' || sqlerrm);

      [PROCEDURE] [END   2013/11/17 03:21:10] Flipping Snapshots

Internal Logs for Atomic File System Cutover

Script Name :

Values used
Context File        : /inst122i/applmgr/fs2/inst/apps/INST122I_testserver01/appl/admin/INST122I_testserver01.xml
PATCH Context File  : /inst122i/applmgr/fs1/inst/apps/INST122I_testserver01/appl/admin/INST122I_testserver01.xml
OUT Directory       : /inst122i/applmgr/fs_ne/EBSapps/log/adop/9/cutover_20131117_031215/INST122I_testserver01
Action              : ctxupdate
Console Logging     : off
Multi-node instance : NO

What it does ?

·         Backup the run and patch edition context files to the FS_NE filesystem.
·         Backup the run and patch edition environment variables + EBSapps.env to the FS_NE filesystem.
·         Backup the run and patch edition fsclone_config.txt files to the FS_NE filesystem.
·         Reads the RUN edition context file version from the database and compares it with the filesystem.
Context File Version = 120.401.12020000.21
FS: serial_no_fs = 0
DB: serial_no_db = 0
FS: ctx_version_fs = 120.401.12020000.21
DB: ctx_version_db = 120.401.12020000.21
Context File: /inst122i/applmgr/fs2/inst/apps/INST122I_testserver01/appl/admin/INST122I_testserver01.xml is in SYNC with DB, no need to download.
·         Reads the PATCH edition context file version from the database and compares it with the filesystem.
Context File Version = 120.401.12020000.21
FS: serial_no_fs = 0
DB: serial_no_db = 0
FS: ctx_version_fs = 120.401.12020000.21
DB: ctx_version_db = 120.401.12020000.21
Context File: /inst122i/applmgr/fs1/inst/apps/INST122I_testserver01/appl/admin/INST122I_testserver01.xml is in SYNC with DB, no need to download.

·         Updating Context Variable
NAME  : s_file_edition_type
VALUE : patch

Update successful
Updating Context Variable
NAME  : s_file_edition_type
VALUE : run

Update successful
·         Executes Autoconfig and creates the following files using its corresponding template files
o    INST122I_testserver01.env – environment variable for patch and run edition.
o    fsclone_config.txt – used by fsclone tool internally
o    EBSapps.env
·         Uploads the updated context file back to the database.
·         Copies the new RUN and PATCH configuration files to the cutover folder
o    INST122I_testserver01.xml
·         Copies the new RUN and PATCH deployment plans to the cutover folder
o    FMW_Home/Oracle_EBS-app1/deployment_plans
·         Copies the new RUN and PATCH OHS webtire configuration files to the cutover folder
o    FMW_Home/webtier/instances/EBS_web_INST122I_OHS1/config/OHS
·         Finally does cleanup activity
o    cleanupCaboStylesCache() - FMW_Home/Oracle_EBS-app1/applications/oacore/html/cabo/styles/cache

Internal Logs for Startup Services

      [EVENT]     [START 2013/11/17 03:23:00] Starting Middle Tier Services
      [EVENT]     [END   2013/11/17 03:32:21] Starting Middle Tier Services

Inside forceStartupServices()...

Executing SYSTEM command: /inst122i/applmgr/fs1/inst/apps/INST122I_testserver01/admin/scripts/ -nopromptmsg -console=off
Copying the file
SOURCE : /inst122i/applmgr/fs1/inst/apps/INST122I_testserver01/logs/appl/admin/log/adstrtal.log
TARGET : /inst122i/applmgr/fs_ne/EBSapps/log/adop/9/cutover_20131117_031215/INST122I_testserver01/TXK_CTRL_forcestartup_Sun_Nov_17_03_23_00_2013/adstrtal.log

/inst122i/applmgr/fs1/inst/apps/INST122I_testserver01/admin/scripts/ went through successfully.

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