Monday, August 22, 2011

Recommended Book for Oracle Enterprise Manager Grid Control 11g

Recommended Book for Oracle Grid Control 11g specially for people who are in large organization where complete oracle stack in managed in Grid or for people who are at Data centers.

The book goes in-depth on Business Service Management using Oracle Grid Control 11g and also its importance. It deals with the challenges in managing today's data centers. The book also covers the concept of modeling IT infrastructure as systems and services.  It also covers in managing IT resources and also how to share it to get more use of them.  

Hope this book helps people to know more about Oracle Enterprise Manager 11g and its usability.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

FMW 11g Discoverer Version Check

FMW 11g Upgrade Master Index

Upgrading Portal+Discoverer Middletire from to
Patch Set

Using the runInstaller updated the Oracle Home and it was successful.
Then as per the Readme ( , I updated the Schema

Reference FMW 11g Upgrade : MiddleTire PatchSet Part 10

Version Check

SQL> SELECT version, status FROM schema_version_registry WHERE owner='PORTAL';

------------------------------ ----------- VALID

SQL> SELECT version, status FROM schema_version_registry WHERE owner='DEV_DISCOVERER';

------------------------------ ----------- VALID


Now I am seeing that PORTAL has been upgraded to but Discoverer keeps in version even though Patchset is appled.

The reason is documented in the below node
Review Why Does Discoverer Version On Weblogic Console Shows Where As It Should Be (Doc ID 1324782.1)

Applies to:

Oracle Discoverer - Version: and later   [Release: 11g and later ]
Information in this document applies to any platform.
Discoverer, 11g, Fusion Middleware


Why Does Discoverer Version On Weblogic Console Shows Where As It Should Be


If patch 11060983 to patch from version to completed successfully, then your install is fine and it is at the correct version.

The release notes of this patch discuss the fact that some components do not have version numbers that get successfully upgraded with the patch but that does not represent a problem.

Version represents the base version although it was also originally a patch. Version is a patch level but the fact that your version numbers were not updated is not a problem as other Fusion Middleware components have the same problem.

So no need to worry , but I feel Oracle should give a simple script which can be run after post verification to update the version.

FMW 11g Upgrade : MiddleTire PatchSet Part 10

FMW 11g Upgrade Master Index

After the successful installation of FMW MiddleTire Portal and Discoverer , here are the steps to get them on the latest patchset level

Pre Steps
- Make a backup of the Oracle Home
- Make a backup of the Database or a Snapshot of the Database before the upgrade

Step 1: Installing the Middletire Software
Step 2: Upgrading the Schema

Installing the Middletire Software

Download the Portal and Discoverer Patchset and start the installer. The runInstaller has only the option to upgrade the Oracle Home.

Upgrading the Schema

Schema Upgrade is not done from the UI and instead there is a Patch Set Assistance Script to do it.
The PSA Script is going to only update the PORTAL Schema and there are no upgrade required for the Discoverer Schema.

./psa -dbConnectString //fmwserver:1521/INFDB -dbaUserName sys -schemaUserName portal
Watch the logfile of PSA and you should be able to see if there are any errors.
Recompile the Invalids
Complete all the post upgrade steps as per the patch readme.


oracle@testas[]$ cd $ORACLE_HOME/bin
oracle@testas[]$ ./psa -dbConnectString //fmwserver:1521/INFDB -dbaUserName sys -schemaUserName portal
Oracle Fusion Middleware Patch Set Assistant

Enter the database administrator password for "sys":
Enter the schema password for schema user "portal":
Log file is located at: /oraapp/tst/ora/as/app/products/middleware/as_portal_discoverer/upgrade/logs/psa2011-07-14-06-48-09AM.log
Updating the Oracle Fusion Middleware Metadata Schema to release
Updating schema for component Oracle Portal.
The command completed successfully

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

FMW 11g Discoverer Plus Error Loading Applet

FMW 11g Upgrade Master Index

After Upgrading to Discoverer 11g , loading Discoverer Plus gave the below error message on the Java Console and there was a blank screen with Discoverer Plus

Java(TM) Plug-in: Version 1.4.2_06
Using JRE version 1.4.2_06 Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM
User home directory = C:\Documents and Settings\skrajend
c: clear console window                                 
f: finalize objects on finalization queue               
g: garbage collect                                      
h: display this help message                            
l: dump classloader list                                
m: print memory usage                                   
o: trigger logging                                      
p: reload proxy configuration                           
q: hide console                                         
r: reload policy configuration                          
s: dump system properties                               
t: dump thread list                                     
v: dump thread stack                                    
x: clear classloader cache                              
0-5: set trace level to                             
Cache size is: 67562695 bytes, cleanup is necessary     
Registered modality listener                            
Invoking JS method: document                            
Invoking JS method: URL                                 
Referencing classloader: sun.plugin.ClassLoaderInfo@d9896e, refcount=1
Loading applet ...                                                    
Initializing applet ...                                               
Starting applet ...                                                   
Connecting with no proxy
Connecting with cookie "oracle.uix=0^^GMT+2:00^p; orasso=9.0.3+en-us+us+AMERICA+A36002EB37016180E04400237DAA5065+95F5182D2C78A0B6F5A78AFEF9CB7A5542EA593FA7ED2475C5B2EC03A1427E422F1144EF1C5236C6B815D469CB8627CBB3CE975E3AA04CDF73C94A8A12EE4A9D898890AF6D5A17DFC0CBA436896C8B592E4F43974FA9C623;; ORA_WX_SESSION=41C7467683D747E4A69EA4A3314B506C2D5D6A47-0#1; ORA_PORTAL_SESSION_portal=11.1+en-us+us+AMERICA+A3601804D3816AC5E04400237DAA5065+73099B9AFD251A5F32BE723EDCDD0BA8B91EAE0A43D7715C028CA3C0C4457BB0443C0EA139E7F9D27CE939298CF623F42BF8C6FA9DC516BAF862693E809448EA711EA838F6EC1F18D6B52371D6906BD7E0D0814278585A6D"
Downloading to cache
Cached file name:
Loaded Root CA certificates from C:\PROGRA~1\Java\J2RE14~1.2_0\lib\security\cacerts
Loading JPI certificates from C:\Documents and Settings\skrajend\Application Data\Sun\Java\Deployment\security\deployment.certs
Loaded JPI certificates from C:\Documents and Settings\skrajend\Application Data\Sun\Java\Deployment\security\deployment.certs
Loading certificates from JPI session certificate store
Loaded certificates from JPI session certificate store
Checking if certificate is in JPI permanent certificate store
java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: oracle/disco/DiscoApplet (Unsupported major.minor version 50.0)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass0(Native Method)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(Unknown Source)
at Source)
at Source)
at$100(Unknown Source)
at$ Source)
at Method)
at Source)
at sun.applet.AppletClassLoader.findClass(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
at sun.applet.AppletClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
at sun.applet.AppletClassLoader.loadCode(Unknown Source)
at sun.applet.AppletPanel.createApplet(Unknown Source)
at sun.plugin.AppletViewer.createApplet(Unknown Source)
at sun.applet.AppletPanel.runLoader(Unknown Source)
at S

JRE 1.4 is not supported

Upgrade or Install the latest JRE 1.6 which is Supported.

Monday, August 15, 2011

FMW 11g Post Install using the Verify Option in Upgrade Assistance gives failure message for Discoverer

FMW 11g Upgrade Master Index

Upgraded Portal and Discoverer to FMW 11g

Post Install using the Verify Option in Upgrade Assistance gives failure message for Discoverer

[2011-05-06T08:20:04.037+00:00] [Verify] [ERROR] [UPGAST-02004] [upgrade.Verify] [tid: 12] [ecid: 0000Iz4P5zs52jk5Oz_Aid1DkuvX000004,0] Error PKIX path building failed: unable to find valid certification path to requested target while requesting,7781,80).
[2011-05-06T08:20:04.037+00:00] [Verify] [ERROR] [] [upgrade.Verify] [tid: 12] [ecid: 0000Iz4P5zs52jk5Oz_Aid1DkuvX000004,0] Cause: The server was unavailable. Action: Review the log file for the server. Verify that the source of the URL is correct.
[2011-05-06T08:20:04.038+00:00] [Framework] [NOTIFICATION] [] [upgrade.Framework] [tid: 12] [ecid: 0000Iz4P5zs52jk5Oz_Aid1DkuvX000004,0] All web checks failed
[2011-05-06T08:20:04.038+00:00] [Verify] [ERROR] [] [upgrade.Verify] [tid: 12] [ecid: 0000Iz4P5zs52jk5Oz_Aid1DkuvX000004,0] Test of Discoverer named discoverer failed

Here is what Oracle Support has to say about it.

For some upgrade scenarios, the Oracle Fusion Middleware Upgrade Assistant provides a Verify feature that attempts to analyze the upgraded 11g environment. When you run the Verify feature, the Upgrade Assistant automatically reports any problems it finds with the upgraded environment.

However, there are cases where the Verify feature incorrectly identifies a problem. For example, when single sign-on is enabled, the Verify feature might report that it cannot access specific URLs for the upgraded components.

In these cases, you should enter the URL directly into a Web browser to verify the URL. In those cases, the URL might indeed be valid and you can ignore the errors generated by the Verify feature.

This information has been published by development in the FMW release notes

ref. Oracle® Fusion Middleware Release Notes 11g Release 1 (11.1.1) for Linux x86-64
3.1.16 Inaccurate Results When Running the Upgrade Assistant Verify Feature

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Today India celebrates its Independence Day

FMW 11g Portal and Discoverer Post Upgrade verification failed with ORA-7445

FMW 11g Upgrade Master Index

After upgrading Discoverer and Portal to 11g logging on the portal or discoverer results in ORA-7445 in the database.

Manual verification of the SSO component failed.

Fri May 06 09:19:16 2011
Exception [type: SIGSEGV, Address not mapped to object] [ADDR:0x7573FFFFBF387C52] [PC:0x400000000429ED11, pfrinstr_BRNCNULL()+177] [exception issued by pid: -1086817198, uid: 0]
Errors in file /oracle/base/diag/rdbms/infdb/INFDB/trace/INFDB_ora_5858.trc  (incident=721877):
ORA-07445: exception encountered: core dump [pfrinstr_BRNCNULL()+177] [SIGSEGV] [ADDR:0x7573FFFFBF387C52] [PC:0x400000000429ED11] [Address not mapped to object] []
Fri May 06 09:19:19 2011
Sweep Incident[721877]: completed

The cause for this issue is seen as a Bug 9210925 - AFTER MANUAL UPGRADE TO PL/SQL CALLS INCORRECT FUNCTION

Incorrect fast-validation would happen when a parent of a library unit was modified in an incompatible way and the parent was referenced via a synonym. Symptoms could include wrong results and ORA-7445s.

Unfortunately the BUG is fixed in 11.2 and I am running 11.1 , so had to follow the workaround 

Workaround Solution
Connect to the INFDB Database as SYSTEM
            alter system set "_disable_fast_validate"=TRUE;
Connect to the INFDB Database as ORASSO User
alter package WWCTX_SSO compile;
alter package WWCTX_SSO compile body;
alter package WPG_SESSION_PRIVATE compile;
alter package WPG_SESSION_PRIVATE compile body;

Validate the ORASSO and OIDDAS Pages
and login to /pls/orasso/ /oiddas

Reference ORASSO DAD Fails After Upgrading Application Mid-tier and Repository DB to 11g (Doc ID 1094047.1)

Saturday, August 13, 2011

FMW 11g Discoverer Upgade Failed while updating ptm5_instance

FMW 11g Upgrade Master Index

While trying to upgrade metadata repository schema (checked the Discoverer Schemas and Portal schemas checkbox) using Oracle FMW Upgrade Assistant, it fails while upgrading Discoverer Repository Schema.

Filename = ua2011-07-13-06-57-10AM.log
See the following error:
[2011-07-13T06:59:34.874+00:00] [DISCOVERER] [ERROR] [] [upgrade.DISCOVERER] [tid: 13] [ecid: 0000J4YITMq52jk5Ozg8yd1E7K76000002,0:12] Cause: Specified Discoverer 10g metadata record is corrupt. Action: Delete the corrupted record and rerun metadata repository upgrade.
[2011-07-13T06:59:34.875+00:00] [DISCOVERER] [NOTIFICATION] [] [upgrade.DISCOVERER] [tid: 13] [ecid: 0000J4YITMq52jk5Ozg8yd1E7K76000002,0:12] oracle.ias.mrua.plugin.discoverer.PortletMetadataMigrationException: Error while executing query: UPDATE TST_DISCOVERER.ptm5_instance SET ins_property = EMPTY_BLOB() WHERE ins_surrgt_pk = ? [[
at oracle.ias.mrua.plugin.discoverer.PortletMetadataMigration.executeQuery(
at oracle.ias.mrua.plugin.discoverer.PortletMetadataMigration.migrateInstance(
at oracle.ias.mrua.plugin.discoverer.PortletMetadataMigration.migrateInstanceKey(
at oracle.ias.mrua.plugin.discoverer.PortletMetadataMigration.migrate(
at oracle.ias.mrua.plugin.discoverer.DiscovererPlugin.massageData(
at oracle.ias.mrua.plugin.discoverer.DiscovererPlugin.discoUpgrade(
at oracle.ias.mrua.plugin.discoverer.DiscovererPlugin.doUpgrade(
at oracle.ias.mrua.MRUA.executePlugins(
at oracle.ias.mrua.MRUA.internal_driver(
at oracle.ias.mrua.MRUA.driver(
Caused by: java.sql.SQLException: SQL string is not Query
at oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleStatement.doExecuteWithTimeout(
at oracle.jdbc.driver.OraclePreparedStatement.executeInternal(
at oracle.jdbc.driver.OraclePreparedStatement.executeQuery(
at oracle.jdbc.driver.OraclePreparedStatementWrapper.executeQuery(
at oracle.ias.mrua.plugin.discoverer.PortletMetadataMigration.executeQuery(
... 10 more

[2011-07-13T06:59:50.995+00:00] [FrameworkMR] [NOTIFICATION] [] [upgrade.FrameworkMR] [tid: 14] [ecid: 0000J4YIq9K52jk5Ozg8yd1E7K76000003,0] finalize() instance 2 of 3
[2011-07-13T07:00:31.087+00:00] [DISCOVERER] [NOTIFICATION] [] [upgrade.DISCOVERER] [tid: 13] [ecid: 0000J4YITMq52jk5Ozg8yd1E7K76000002,0:12] Query to verify existence of named tables and columns
[2011-07-13T07:00:31.091+00:00] [DISCOVERER] [NOTIFICATION] [] [upgrade.DISCOVERER] [tid: 13] [ecid: 0000J4YITMq52jk5Ozg8yd1E7K76000002,0:12] Number of columns in the schema TST_DISCOVERER : 50
[2011-07-13T07:00:31.093+00:00] [DISCOVERER] [NOTIFICATION] [] [upgrade.DISCOVERER] [tid: 13] [ecid: 0000J4YITMq52jk5Ozg8yd1E7K76000002,0:12] Number of columns in the schema TST_DISCOVERER_PS : 30
[2011-07-13T07:00:31.275+00:00] [DISCOVERER] [NOTIFICATION] [] [upgrade.DISCOVERER] [tid: 13] [ecid: 0000J4YITMq52jk5Ozg8yd1E7K76000002,0:12] Discoverer upgrade phase finished
[2011-07-13T07:00:31.275+00:00] [FrameworkMR] [ERROR] [UPGAST-01006] [upgrade.FrameworkMR] [tid: 13] [ecid: 0000J4YITMq52jk5Ozg8yd1E7K76000002,0:12] Schema upgrade failed for Oracle Business Intelligence Discoverer.
[2011-07-13T07:00:31.275+00:00] [FrameworkMR] [ERROR] [] [upgrade.FrameworkMR] [tid: 13] [ecid: 0000J4YITMq52jk5Ozg8yd1E7K76000002,0:12] Cause: Repository Upgrade framework detected that schema upgrade of the component named in the error message failed. Action: Examine the upgrade log files for additional error messages. It may be possible to correct the problem and retry the upgrade.
[2011-07-13T07:00:31.275+00:00] [FrameworkMR] [NOTIFICATION] [] [upgrade.FrameworkMR] [tid: 13] [ecid: 0000J4YITMq52jk5Ozg8yd1E7K76000002,0:12] Upgrading component Oracle Portal.

Possible Reason for the Issue
The issue could have been caused by the change in jdbc execution method used in Fusion Middleware Upgrade Assistant.

From the error message it suggests that the FMw Upgrade Assistant is trying to execute a DML statement(UPDATE TST_DISCOVERER.ptm5_instance SET ins_property..) using executeQuery method and it is unable to execute it as it is not a Query.

1. Install Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g( - Portal, Forms, Reports and Discoverer (
2. Install Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g( - Portal, Forms, Reports and Discoverer (
3. Run (available under /bin directory)
4. Run UA (Oracle FMw Upgrade Assistant , available under /bin directory)

Now Discoverer Metadata repository schemas will upgrade fine without any issues.

5. Then can apply FMw patchset - Patch 11060983: FMW 11G PS3 ( FOR PORTAL, FORMS, RPTS, DISCO

Friday, August 12, 2011

FMW 11g Upgrade : MiddleTire Schema Upgrade Assistance - Part 9

FMW 11g Upgrade Master Index

Before I begin explaining the schema upgrade will update some of the pre-steps that will make the upgrade easier.

0. In Part 6. Installing Portal and Discoverer Middletire I have explained that I could not apply the patchset since there were issues. Instead I applied and after the upgrade is over I applied the patchset.

1. Make a Database Backup or create a Restore Point. Oracle support always asks to restore the database if there are some issues with the portal upgrade. So keeping a restore point would be the easiest way to handle it.

2. Restart the Database so that there are no Portal Sessions running.

3. After the restart make sure that there are no active portal sessions.

4. If there are it should be the Portal Application. Follow the below note and stop the Portal Server
Upgrading from Portal 10g to 11g WWU-00011 There are concurrent sessions running [ID 1202638.1]

5. In some cases the upgrade assistance will fail to migrate the Discoverer Portlet information from the old PTM5_CACHE to the new 11g Discoverer Schema. The reason in my case was the length of the CCH_URL column. It will be by default VARCHAR2 (3000 Bytes) and you can modify it to VARCHAR2(4000 Bytes)

Invoke the UA Upgrade Assistance from the Oracle Home of the Portal and Discoverer Instance
Select the second option Upgrade Metadata Repository Schema and make sure that Discoverer and Portal is selected.

Then provide the information for Oracle Internet Directory Server connections details.
Then provide the database connection details where the metadata repository resides.

Select the new 11g Discoverer Schema

The examine process will verify if Portal and Discoverer are fine to upgraded.

Proceed next and you should see that all the components will be upgrade.

Note : For any failures I recommend to contact Oracle Support. If they ask to redo the upgrade you can flashback the database to the Pre-Upgrade restore point and then continue doing the same.

Monday, August 8, 2011

FMW 11g Upgrade : MiddleTire Upgrade Assistance - Part 8

FMW 11g Upgrade Master Index

After completing the installation and configuration of 11g Portal/Discoverer, now the upgrade assistance will be invoked to upgrade the 10g OH to 11g FMW

The first step would be to Upgrade the MiddleTire Instance. Here select the 10g Oracle Home for Discoverer 

After completing the Oracle Home upgrade , the installer prompts with the below success message.

The next step would be to upgrade the Schema.

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