Thursday, June 25, 2020

Oracle EBS 12.2 NFS-Shared vs Non-Shared Local File System Performance Analysis

If you are running Oracle EBS 12.2 instances on multi-node architecture then you would have configure NFS Shared File System for Application Code Tree. Well there are a lot of advantages of running over Shared File System , it is worth to do an analysis of Local vs Shared.

I had a opportunity to validate on Oracle Cloud Deployments and please be informed this is not Oracle Cloud Infrastructure File Storage FSS it is NFS over a VM on the same Tenancy. You can build your own test case to understand the benefits of shared vs local.

The architecture is RAC DBaaS , 2 MT (shared) and 1 OTD
The 2 MT (shared) is app02(second MT) have app01(first MT) /u01 NFS Mounted

Here are some interesting numbers from EBS 12.2 Maintenance Tasks. All the timings are in Minutes and they are the time it took for the complete execution. During the task I have been monitoring the database and made sure that there are no bottleneck out there. 


Wow , NFS Shared file system seems to be executing tasks longer for Bulk tasks like Initial Build , Refresh , EBS ADOP Cycle Upgrade , FS_CLONE but regular maintenance tasks seems to be taking advantage of the NFS Shared file system.

I had build the environment with basic and recommended NFS Shared File System parameters for EBS deployments. They can be still tweaked for some of the task for better performance.

I have been admin for EBS deployments for several years and I would recommend Shared File System for better manageability of EBS deployments. Sharing is fun. 😎

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