Thursday, June 18, 2020

EBS Open Notifications Summary Jobs

Sometimes Daily Open Notification Summary Job would not send emails and if you are not getting this post would help. ✌

The below SQL can be used to fetch the EBS Open Notifications Summary Jobs 

SQL> select what from dba_jobs where job in (select job_id from fnd_svc_comp_requests);

FND_SVC_COMPONENT.EXECUTE_REQUEST  (  p_component_request_id => 10240  );


SQL> SELECT a.component_id, event_name, event_params, event_frequency, requested_by_user, component_name,component_status, component_type, container_type, standalone_container_name
FROM fnd_svc_comp_requests a, fnd_svc_components b
WHERE component_request_id = 10240 and
a.component_id = b.component_id;


           1440 SYSADMIN                                                                                                                               Workflow Notification Mailer                                                      RUNNING                        WF_MAILER                      GSM


From the above two SQL if the component_request_id is not matching , then edit workflow notification mailer , go to Step 5-8 and delete the existing "Launch Notification Summary" Event and add a new one with the proper schedule. After Finishing the wizard the job will run first time , wait for sometime and check the status.

Run the SQL again to verify if Event Schedule Job is matching the DBA Jobs. 😊

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