Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Big Data Oracle NoSQL in No Time - Getting Started Part 1

Big Data Oracle NoSQL in No Time - Getting Started Part 1

Big Data Oracle NoSQL in No Time - Getting Started Part 1
Big Data Oracle NoSQL in No Time - Startup & Shutdown Part 2

Big Data Oracle NoSQL in No Time - Setting up 1x1 Topology Part 3
Big Data Oracle NoSQL in No Time - Expanding 1x1 to 3x1 Topology Part 4
Big Data Oracle NoSQL in No Time - From 3x1 to 3x3 Topology Part 5
Big Data Oracle NoSQL in No Time - Smoke Testing Part 6
Big Data Oracle NoSQL in No Time - Increasing Throughput Read/Write Part 7
Big Data Oracle NoSQL in No Time - It is time to Upgrade
Big Data Oracle NoSQL in No Time - It is time to Load Data for a Simple Use Case

I have been exploring NoSQL and Hadoop since the buzz word started to flood. Have been doing research on Oracle NoSQL mostly on the use case and started to find options to use it in my day to day life and seeing a lot of cases which can help. I will start to blog more on that but before I begin with the use case want to tell my friends how to setup a simple Oracle NoSQL Cluster.

This is only for study purpose. I am using only one physical server and creating four virtual nosql store running on different ports.

Modify the /etc/hosts file with the alias server1 server2 server3 server4

Download nosql software to /oraclenosql/lab/stage
Here I am using 11g later will upgrade to 12c

Creating a staging folder and create a base nosql folder with binaries in it.
cd /oraclenosql/lab/
mkdir stage
mkdir nosql_11g;cd nosql_11g
mkdir oraclesoftware storage
cd oraclesoftware
cp /oraclenosql/lab/stage/ .

Clone the staged binary into four servers. This cloning folder will help me to create different case studies quickly by just deleting the folders and re-creating them again.

cd /oraclenosql/lab
cp -Rf nosql_11g server1
cp -Rf nosql_11g server2
cp -Rf nosql_11g server3
cp -Rf nosql_11g server4

echo "server 1"
export KVHOME=/oraclenosql/lab/server1/oraclesoftware/kv-2.0.39
export KVSTORAGE=/oraclenosql/lab/server1/storage
java -jar $KVHOME/lib/kvstore.jar makebootconfig -root $KVSTORAGE -capacity 1 -harange 5010,5020 -admin 5001 -port 5000 -host server1
nohup java -jar $KVHOME/lib/kvstore.jar start -root $KVSTORAGE &

echo "server 2"
export KVHOME=/oraclenosql/lab/server2/oraclesoftware/kv-2.0.39
export KVSTORAGE=/oraclenosql/lab/server2/storage
java -jar $KVHOME/lib/kvstore.jar makebootconfig -root $KVSTORAGE -capacity 1 -harange 5110,5120 -admin 5101 -port 5100 -host server2
nohup java -jar $KVHOME/lib/kvstore.jar start -root $KVSTORAGE &

echo "server 3"
export KVHOME=/oraclenosql/lab/server3/oraclesoftware/kv-2.0.39
export KVSTORAGE=/oraclenosql/lab/server3/storage
java -jar $KVHOME/lib/kvstore.jar makebootconfig -root $KVSTORAGE -capacity 1 -harange 5210,5220 -admin 5201 -port 5200 -host server3
nohup java -jar $KVHOME/lib/kvstore.jar start -root $KVSTORAGE &

echo "server 4"
export KVHOME=/oraclenosql/lab/server4/oraclesoftware/kv-2.0.39
export KVSTORAGE=/oraclenosql/lab/server4/storage
java -jar $KVHOME/lib/kvstore.jar makebootconfig -root $KVSTORAGE -capacity 1 -harange 5310,5320 -admin 5301 -port 5300 -host server4
nohup java -jar $KVHOME/lib/kvstore.jar start -root $KVSTORAGE &

export KVHOME=/oraclenosql/lab/server1/oraclesoftware/kv-2.0.39
java -jar $KVHOME/lib/kvstore.jar runadmin -port 5000 -host server1

Make sure you get the KV prompt.
Also verify URL

In the upcoming blog , we will see the below;
Startup and Shutdown Scripts
Setting up 1x1 topology
Expanding 1x1 to 3x1 topology
Moving from 3x1 to 3x3 topology
From 3x3 to 3x4 topology
Smoke Testing NoSQL

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