Many of my IT Colleagues and Managers come to me asking for a simple and easy solution to deploy an application quickly and the first tool that hints me is Oracle Apex. I started to use when it was called HTMLDB and it was a fun to learn it.
I would like to recommend a book for all who are going to be using or already using Oracle Apex. This book is published by Packtpub and it is written by Oracle Apex Experts. The interesting part I liked in this book is using advanced SQL and PLSQL in Apex for developing real-world applications.
So here is a snapshot of what you are going to learn from this book
- Lesser known features of SQL and PL/SQL
- Incorporate printing capabilities
- Create secure applications
- Troubleshooting and Debugging
- Setting up your environment
- Best practices for building real life applications
You can view the sample chapters and prefaces of this title on PacktLib or download sample chapters in PDF format.